With World Sleep Day on the horizon, what better time to talk about the importance of sleep. Sleep is the bedrock of our physical and mental wellbeing, so when it is disrupted or we fall into unhealthy patterns, it can throw everything out of sync. Due to its ability to impact our moods, energy levels and focus, sleep plays a major factor in the success of any goal you may have – and that can include those fair-weather New Year’s resolutions we often make half-heartedly at the start of January. Here we will explore why sleep is vital to achieving specific goals and therefore harness its power to reach them. 

If you're trying to make healthier food choices...

Did you know that a lack of sleep decreases leptin, which is the hormone that makes us feel full? It also boosts ghrelin (the ‘hunger hormone’) which increases our appetite, promotes fat storage and therefore causes us to make less healthy food choices. Enforcing regular patterns – both in sleep and mealtimes – can improve this, ensuring that we receive energy at the right times throughout the day, maintain our levels of leptin and ghrelin, and stabilise our metabolism via a regular circadian rhythm.

If you're focusing on a new fitness regime...

It is no surprise that better rest can lead to greater physical output and reward. Researchers have found that adequate sleep can improve speed, strength and endurance in athletes, so whatever aspect of your fitness you are looking to develop, sleep can help. Similarly, increasing our movement and physical training (alongside the right nutrition) can help to regulate our sleeping patterns and is essential for overall wellbeing. 

If you're concentrating on your career...

Less sleep can lead to reduced productivity, as our brain can be less quick to respond, experience dips in motivation and increase in stress when we have not rested well. Further, sleep-deprived people in management roles are anecdotally described as ‘less ethical and not as alert, motivated or cheerful’, meaning that on the path to achieving your goal it is imperative to maintain good sleep for your overall performance and mental wellbeing.

If you're trying to live your best life in 2022...

Getting up on the wrong side of the bed might be a metaphor, but when we do not sleep well it can have a damaging effect on our moods. When our moods are worsened this can have a knock-on effect on our social interactions and also leave us less inclined to make plans or engage with others. Whether it takes naps in the day when you know you have plans or simply getting an early night the night before, the rewards are well worth it.

So, whether you have a new health goal, are working towards a promotion at work or simply want to be the best version of yourself - we are here to help you with the first step, a great night's sleep. Find a natural sleep solution that really works, and discover the power to drift off naturally...

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Discover our range of sleep sprays and customise your sleep - naturally. If you've ever thought you could sleep better, should sleep more, need to shift you sleep cycle or simply want o relax and disconnect from the day - then we have the solution for you...


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Shop our luxurious selection of bodycare and cleansing products to help nourish skin and aid a more restful night's sleep.