As part of our mission to provide accessible wellbeing, and our belief that bodycare goes beyond product we’ve enlisted the help of Sports Scientist, fitness coach and industry menopause specialist, Rachel Hubbard. Rachel continues our targeted body+care series and explains how to support your lower body with exercises and stretches that help improve mobility and strengthen legs, bums and tums.

“In today's sedentary lifestyle, overlooking the importance of exercise for the abdominal and gluteal muscles, or what we used to call "tums & bums," can have significant repercussions on overall health and well-being.
As women age, maintaining strong abdominal and gluteal muscles becomes increasingly important for overall health and mobility.
Beyond aesthetic concerns, a robust core and posterior chain contribute to improved posture, balance, and functional movement, enhancing quality of life and independence. Therefore, implementing targeted exercises tailored to strengthen the "tums" (abdominals) and "bums" (gluteal muscles) is paramount, particularly for women over 55.”
“The potential consequences of neglecting to exercise these muscle groups are:

1.    decreased core strength
2.    increased risk of lower back pain
3.    reduced balance and stability
4.    poor posture and alignment
5.    diminished functional mobility”

1. decreased core strength:

“Without regular exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles, the core may become weak and unstable. This can lead to poor posture, increased risk of back pain, and reduced ability to perform daily activities that require core stability, such as bending, lifting, and twisting.
Research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science1 highlights the correlation between core muscle weakness and low back pain2,  emphasising the importance of targeted exercises to improve core strength and stability.”

2. increased risk of lower back pain:

“Weak abdominal muscles can contribute to postural imbalances that can affect the spine and possible increased stress on the lower back and pelvic area.
This can result in chronic lower back pain and discomfort, as well as potential issues such as herniated discs or sciatica.
A systematic review published in the European Spine Journal found a significant association between weak abdominal muscles and the incidence of low back pain, underscoring the importance of core strengthening exercises in preventing and managing this condition.”

3. reduced balance and stability:

“The gluteal muscles play a crucial role in stabilising the pelvis,  hips and lumber pelvic region during movement. Weakness in these muscles can affect your balance and stability, increasing the risk of falls and injuries, particularly in older adults.
Research published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy demonstrates the positive impact of gluteal muscle strengthening exercises on balance and gait performance in older adults3, highlighting the importance of incorporating such exercises into your fitness routine.4

4. poor posture and alignment:

“Weakness in the abdominal and gluteal muscles may  contribute to poor posture and alignment of the spine and pelvis. An anterior pelvic tilt can occur when the pelvis tilts forwards, causing an increase in the curvature of the lower back – we often see compensatory movement in the upper body where the shoulder round to help us to balance, often leading to tight lower back & hip flexors, and a weakness in the glutes and abdominals.
It often occurs due to factors such as sitting for a long time, being inactive, having a weak core or other muscle imbalances.
A study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy suggests that exercises aimed at improving core stability and posture through strength and flexibility training can help us to alleviate symptoms of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction5.”

5. diminished functional mobility:

“The “tums and bums” are involved in a wide range of movements, including walking, running, lifting, and climbing stairs.
Without adequate strength and stability in these muscles, our daily functional mobility can be compromised, making it challenging to perform everyday tasks and activities with ease and confidence.
A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice highlights the importance of resistance training in improving functional mobility and quality of life in older adults, emphasising the role of a variety of exercises to strengthen and condition our abdominal and gluteal muscles.”


1. Standaert, C.J., Weinstein, S.M. and Rumpeltes, J., 2008. Evidence-informed management of chronic low back pain with lumbar stabilization exercises. The spine journal, 8(1), pp.114-120.

2. Kumar, T., Kumar, S., Nezamuddin, M. and Sharma, V.P., 2015. Efficacy of core muscle strengthening exercise in chronic low back pain patients. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 28(4), pp.699-707.

3. Lopopolo, R.B., Greco, M., Sullivan, D., Craik, R.L. and Mangione, K.K., 2006. Effect of therapeutic exercise on gait speed in community-dwelling elderly people: a meta-analysis. Physical therapy, 86(4), pp.520-540.

4. Salsabila, B.I., Rahman, F., Lindoyo, Y., Salsabila, B.I., Rahman, F. and Lindoyo, Y., 2023. Different Effects of Single-leg Stance Exercise and Bridging Exercise with Core Stability Exercise on Older Adults Balance. Exercise Science, 32(3), pp.286-294.

5. Delitto, A., George, S.Z., Van Dillen, L., Whitman, J.M., Sowa, G., Shekelle, P., Denninger, T.R., Godges, J.J., Beneciuk, J.M., Bishop, M.D. and Kramer, C.D., 2012. Low back pain: clinical practice guidelines linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health from the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. Journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 42(4), pp.A1-A57.